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Books for Families of All Christian Faiths
by Arnold Ytreeide
Herodium in Tabitha's Travels
Herod was so concerned about his safety and power that he built several huge palace fortresses around Palestine. One of those was at Herodium.
The problem was, there was nothing at Herodium. Nothing, at least, to make a palace impressive -- and safe.
So Herod ordered that a mountain be raised, and on it (and in it) a great palace built.
It is here that Tabitha's Travels take a severe turn, which leads her to the end of her quest.
Imagine Tabitha climbing two hundred outside stone stairs to the top of the palace, and many more inside, all the while marveling at the beautiful Frescoes, mosaics, and gold decorations.
Only hints of those remain, but the footprint of this great palace remains, and is clear for visitors to see today.
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