Books for Families of All Christian Faiths
by Arnold Ytreeide
Dinosaur Dilemma - Coyoteus piscisauros*
What the guys saw on their monitors as they scanned the town of Coyote
An artist's idea of what Coyoteus might have looked like*
* Remember, this is just for fun. This is a dinosaur the author made up for the story.
We're Waiting to Hear from You!
From: Carrie
I would love to see more of the Mike Danford Adventure Series on Audible. Or if not Audible, then another means for it to be read in audio. This is SO helpful for our homeschool lunch hour as we listen to our books as we read along as well! Thank you~
Arnold Ytreeide:
We have good news for you, Carrie!
ALL of the Mike Danford series is slated to be released in audio book form in the coming months!
It will take some time, of course, since it's the same AMAZING voice (Allen B. Ellis) doing all of them, and it's quite an involved process. But that's the plan!
We'll be doing them in order, and the next book -- Tracking Bigfoot -- has already been recorded. It's going through its final mastering process, but should be available within the month.
Thanks for writing, and I hope this helps you in your work!
From: Carrie
Oh how lovely! This is fantastic news as I have already planned out our homeschool read aloud for this upcoming school year, I planned for Submarine Spy and Tracking Bigfoot in our 2nd Semester. This seems to work out perfectly. Then of course, the following year, we'll continue with each one as it becomes available. Thank you so much for your time and good news!!
p.s. My kids and I LOVE Arnold Ytreeide's books!! It all started will reading Jotham's Journey through Ishtar's Odyssey. Arnold is a fantastic writer. (God-given talent)
In Him
From: Erin
My kids wanted me to write to say how much we all LOVE your books. We were SO excited to go on here and see that there are more books to come as we were going to request that you write more! These books have really helped shape the way that we view some of the biblical events and they bring it to life so well.
Arnold Ytreeide:
Erin and Family -
Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement -- it truly means a lot to me, and makes all the researching and writing worthwhile. Yes, God willing, there will be more volumes in both of my current series, and some future works besides. Another 20 or 30 hours in every day would be helpful, if you could pray for that please:)
Many blessings on you all.
From Rachel:
I have read all your books except for Angel Express and have loved them all! I look forward to reading Angel Express soon and (Hopefully!) more
Arnold Ytreeide:
Rachel -
Thank you so much for your message. I'm so glad you're enjoying the books! I hope you like Angel Express just as much. Keep reading, and remember that There's Nothing Wrong with Doing Right!
From Gay:
As Easter approaches I am getting out our Amon books and I was reminded that a new addition is coming. May we expect to have it available soon? As with so many fans, we adore Amon, Jotham, Tabitha, Bartholemew and all of the characters who have now become part of our family. Thank you for the passion you pour into the gift God has given you. We are immensely blessed.
Arnold Ytreeide:
Hi Gay, and thanks for writing!
The publisher just recently let us know that Amon's Mission will be released on September 17th (2024).
This is book #7 in what will be a 10 book series (counting the four Advent books). "Mission" and the subsequent books will cover all of the book of Acts and all of the epistles as Amon and his future family continue to have adventures!
Blessings on you, and thank you again for your email!
From Anna:
Subject: Love the Mike Danford Series
Message: I absolutely love the Mike Danford Adventure Series. I have just finished reading the 9th book of Mike and Josh. It was a very amazing and well written book. Please write many more of them. This Christmas we read Tabitha, and it was amazing, we love the story and above all we love the adventure. Keep up the good work, by the way we love the cliff hangers. The cliff hangers keep me up late into the night reading away. You're doing an amazing job writing these amazing books.
Arnold Ytreeide
Anna -
Thank you so much for writing! I'm glad you like the books because they sure are fun to write. And don't worry -- more are on the way!
From Wyatt:
Subject: More please!
Message: We have been using the Jotham's Journey advent series as well as the Easter stories for about 7 years. They are fantastic. We have read the whole advent set twice (or more) and they are still great. My only gripe is that there are only 4 (+1 Easter) books. We want more. To be clear they don't need to be in the Jotham's Journey story world. I just love the way you integrate a thoughtful devotional into each chapter it is such a great advent adventure and experience for our family. Thanks so much and write more...notably I think my big kids would appreciate a story that follows someone a little older wrestling with teen issues rather than child issues.
Arnold Ytreeide:
Wyatt -
We do so appreciate your comments! And the fact is, there already ARE more books, and even more are coming! The publisher of this series -- Kregel Publications -- asked me a few years ago for a whole series, continuing on from Amon's Adventure. "Amon's Secret" is already out, and follows the beginnings of the early church. "Amon's Mission" is done and will be published in the coming months: Amon is now sixteen, and facing some very adult problems and decisions (boys were typically married between 13 and 18 in those days). I'm writing the next book in the series right now, which follows Amon's son and covers Paul's first missionary journey. Future books will cover the rest of Acts and the New Testament.
None of these "new" books -- from Amon's Secret on -- are tied to one particular time of year. Of course, any of the books can be read at any time of year, but there are no holidays to follow with the newest books, so they can easily be read at any time.
The only other titles I can offer, at the moment, are the Mike Danford series. These follow the adventures of two contemporary seventeen-year-olds, so the situations they find themselves in, and the problems they face, are much more relatable to older teens -- especially if read in order. These are adventure books, so there are no "devotionals", but the teens wrestle with many spiritual questions throughout. We've had many parents comment over the years that they read the books as a family, and even their college-aged "kids" love to get involved.
I hope that gives you some encouragement, and I'll do my best to keep writing as long as God keeps inspiring! It's very encouraging to ME that there are so many parents like yourself out there who are looking for wholesome and educational literature for their kids!
From Cole:
Such a good book!
I want to thank you so much for writing the Mike Danford book series. Our family reads a chapter of the latest adventure every night before bed and are constantly begging to read another chapter. We love the Christian message and thoughtful storyline. We can’t wait to read the latest book! Thank you, Cole
Arnold Ytreeide:
Thank you so much, Cole. Writing Christian fiction is no way to get rich, but comments like yours are worth far more than money! Blessings on you and your family. (And sorry about the nightly begging -- we get it at our house too:)
From Jonathan:
I have loved your books so much and have shared them with my friend who loves them too. I can't wait for your next books to come out and to read them!
-Jonathan, 12 years old
Arnold Ytreeide:
Thank you so much, Jonathan! It's an honor to have you invest your time in my writing, and I hope my books will continue to earn your interest, and maybe help prepare you for your future. The next book in the Danford series will be coming out in late spring. Blessing on you, and I'd love to hear from you again!